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When is a referral required?
A referral from a general practitioner is required from your treating doctor to organize a consultation with Dr Remy Glowinski.
What if I cancel or miss my appointment?
Please contact Brighton Minds if circumstances change and you cannot make your scheduled appointment. A cancellation fee may apply if cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time or if there is a non-attendance.
What is the Medicare rebate?
The Medicare rebate can be accessed for all clinical consultations with Dr Remy Glowinski if you have a valid referral. For more information about the fees, please contact his rooms at Brighton Minds.
Useful emergency contact numbers:
For urgent medical attention dial 000 for an ambulance
For urgent mental health support contact:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Helpline Victoria 1300 651 251
Alfred Health Triage 1300 363 746
Eastern Health Triage 1300 721 927
St Vincent's Triage: 1300 558 682
Monash Health Triage: 1300 369 012
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